18 Photos Of Baghdad Street Life In The 1930s

The photos published here, belonging to the G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection, were all taken in Baghdad in 1932. During this year, Iraq was granted independence from the British under King Faisal I. The photos were taken during a short period of relative calm before the political instability and uprisings that were to occur in the following year.


1. Lemonade and bread vendors. 1932.


2. Lower section of the Haidar Khana Mosque. Muezzin calling to prayer. 1932.


3. Coming off the Katah Bridge. 1932.


4. Arcade in old citadel. A long series of arches. 1932.


5. Age instructing youth in Haidar Khana Mosque. 1932.


6. Street scene in Baghdad. 1932.


7. Modern mosque and school. Covered with the typical blue tiles. 1932.


8. Street scene near Katah bridge. 1932.



9. The Iraq museum. Closer view. 1932.


10. New street near the Maude bridge. 1932.


11. A Sabean silversmith. At work in his jewelry store. A Sabean-sect who venerate John the Baptist. 1932.


12. Typical copper store with jugs and trays. 1932.


13. Haidar Khana Mosque. 1932.


14. Engraver of silver ware. 1932.


15. Girl selling bread in the bazaars. 1932.


16. Street barber at work. 1932.


17. The Midan mosque. 1932.


18. From Haidar Khana Mosque looking S.E. 1932.

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